Father Of Fallen Soldier Takes On Joe Biden Publicly

President Joe Biden has not learned anything from the debacle in Afghanistan, according to Mark Schmitz, the father of a Gold Star soldier who served there.

Wednesday’s program of “Just the News, No Noise” had a comment from Schmitz in which he said of President Biden that he’d never learn from his mistakes. Schmitz said Biden had repeatedly proven his point, and he continues denying any responsibility for his actions. 

Despite blaming the Trump administration for the disastrous and disorderly US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden administration admitted that it should have begun the 2021 pullout of Afghanistan sooner.

Schmitz lost his son, Jared Schmitz (Lance Corporal ), along with 12 other American servicemen in 2021 when the US withdrew from Afghanistan.

An investigation of the aftermath of the Afghanistan withdrawal ordered by former President Joe Biden’s administration found that former President Donald Trump and his administration were to fault and that Biden’s decision to withdraw troops was the right course of action. 

Schmitz said Biden is the opposite of a leader, representing the polar opposite. He felt a president could set a positive example for the people around him, but he kept dodging and running. Schmitz said Biden always evades blame and never takes action. Nothing positive has come from Biden.

Schmitz founded a nonprofit group called The Freedom 13 to build retreat camps in all 50 states to memorialize the American servicemen and women who perished in Afghanistan. 

“These will be built on 100 acres of land with 13 houses to represent the 13 soldiers we lost, and then one additional house- so a total of 14,” he continued. These will be constructed in memory of the fourteen homes we lost, plus one more.  

The Biden administration has been notoriously hesitant to deliver information to Congress since the failed evacuation and has even impeded the investigations of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), which Congress ordered.