Vaping No Healthier Than Regular Smoking, Researchers Confirm

( Research shows that vaping is just as harmful as smoking.

When comparing the amounts of DNA damage in the oral epithelial cells of vapers, smokers, and never-users, the quantity of DNA damage in vapers and smokers was more than double that of the never-users, according to researchers’ observations.

More DNA damage occurred in heavy smokers and heavy vapers.

The mouth is lined by epithelial cells. DNA damage occurs early and is linked to an elevated danger of developing cancer and inflammatory illnesses.

Senior research author Ahmad Besaratinia said they revealed that the more and the longer vapers smoked e-cigarettes, the more DNA damage happened in their oral cells. Besaratinia teaches at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.

According to Besaratinia’s comments in the university’s press announcement, “the same trend held up among smokers.”

Seventy-two healthy people were interviewed and subjected to biochemical tests for the study.

Participants were classified as either never-smokers, occasional smokers, or never-smokers who had never vaped before the research.

Researchers also asked individuals about their smoking and vaping habits and habits. They polled vapors on the types of hardware and tastes they enjoyed. Researchers took a sample of epithelial cells from their subject’s mouths and looked for damage to genes previously linked to genome attack.

DNA damage was 2.6 times higher in cigarette smokers and 2.2 times higher in e-cigarette users compared to non-users in these studies.

Flavored vapes and other widely used goods are among the most dangerous.

“The devices and flavors that are most popular and widely consumed by young vapers, as well as adults, are the ones that are connected with the greatest DNA damage,” Besaratinia added. “These findings have important consequences for public health and regulatory authorities,” the authors write.

This new research adds to the growing body of evidence that vaping is associated with biological changes that might promote illness, including changes in gene expression and epigenetics.

More than 3% of adults in the United States frequently use e-cigarettes, and 10% of teenagers do.