Woman Claims “Twerking” Can Heal Trauma

(TheLibertyRevolution.com)- A podcaster recently claimed that “spiritual twerking” can heal “generational trauma,” according to The Daily Caller. The comments were made by podcaster and author Sahara Rose during a YouTube interview with Bianca Taylor.

Rose reportedly used Gen Z buzz words to allege that the dancing can connect women with their wombs and refreshen the spirit.

“Shaking is such a primal practice of releasing trauma and somatic blockages and emotions through our body,” Rose said. “Especially our hips. Our hips are, now we know, where we store emotions.” She continued to say that emotions stored in the hips are released when one is “shimmying,” bending the knees, crouching on the floor, and touching Earth.

Rose also claimed that twerking relieves “generations of collective trauma that now we know with epigenetics is actually stored within our systems.” The influencer’s Instagram is reportedly feeding her followers with cliché woke slogans. In one post, she says that for “releasing” the year 2022 she is going to “infuse sacredness” into her day.

In another post, Rose claims “your heart can never break.” The caption continues with asking her followers what “advice” they would have for those suffering the “feelings of heartbreak.”

One Twitter user referred to Rose as a “scam artist” who asked his friends for money on social media to give them a “reading.” Another podcaster took it a step further and suggested women be banned from doing podcasts.

So-called “woke” slogans and twerking are popular in the mainstream with artists like Cardi B and Lizzo.

Lizzo, who is currently worth an estimated $12 million, recently claimed that the music industry is “racist,” according to Breitbart. The singer reportedly said that pop music was created to segregate black artists from mainstream music. She posted a video last year showing her twerking in underwear to promote her “Yitty” clothing line for plus-sized women.