Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) claims it needs additional people with the competence and skillsets that Americans lack to restart its Arizona chip manufacturing development. The firm has been in talks with the US government since June to secure expedited non-immigrant E-2 visas for up to 500 workers from Taiwan.
Many are worried about the consequences of this possible change.
The Arizona Pipe Trades 469 Union has initiated a petition to persuade US politicians to refuse these visas. The union represents more than 4,000 plumbers, pipefitters, welders, and HVAC professionals.
According to the petition, TSMC has lied about Arizona’s workforce capabilities on purpose. According to a union website, granting TSMC’s visa application would pave the way for “cheap labor” to substitute for American workers.
The issue is the most recent chapter in the United States’ ongoing effort to establish a foothold in the semiconductor-chip business, which has become of paramount importance as the world’s reliance on gadgets that require chips to function has increased dramatically. Anything from a cell phone to a washing machine is included in this category.
The United States wants to be able to produce its own chips in case of a conflict with China, which is becoming more likely.
Reports show Google, Amazon, Facebook, and numerous other big tech giants have been revealed by recent reports to be among the many companies aggressively seeking H-1B visas for foreign workers. The ramifications of this conduct show that American workers are being undermined by digital corporations that want to recruit labor for a fraction of the going rate.
According to Human Events Daily’s Jack Posobiec, there’s no need to process thousands of H-1B visa applications annually and instead should set aside a modest number of visas for the most qualified professionals in the area. Tech giants like Google are laying off thousands of Americans and replacing them with cheap foreign labor.
According to documents from the Department of Labor, a report shows that Google has submitted thousands of H1B visa applications to fill the technical positions taken from American workers.